
Beyondly’s Lead Consultant for Resource Efficiency and Circularity, Chris Smith, has achieved the TRUE Advisor Certificate

We are excited to announce that our zero-waste expert, Chris Smith, is now certified as a TRUE Advisor trained on the TRUE Rating System. This certification demonstrates his commitment to preserving and improving the environment, evidencing he possess the knowledge necessary to divert and document unnecessary waste from landfills. 

TRUE (Total Resource Use and Efficiency) is a zero-waste certification program dedicated to transforming the way materials move through society. The goal is to ensure that all products are ultimately reused and kept out of landfills, incinerators (waste-to-energy), and the environment. Managed by the Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI), the TRUE Zero Waste Certification system aligns with LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and other green rating systems.

The TRUE Zero Waste Certification uses an innovative Rating System which consists of a total of 81 possible credits organised into 15 categories that reflect all aspects of a successful zero waste program. Companies achieve certification by meeting seven minimum program requirements and attaining at least 31 points.

Peter Templeton, President, and CEO of U.S Green Building Council and GBCI comments on the certification;

“In our current system, many of our globally wasteful practices stem from a lack of design and are the result of inefficient business practices, Waste is a design failure, and managing waste is a design challenge for which the TRUE Rating System provides a comprehensive framework.”

Chris Smith, Lead Consultant – Resource Efficiency and Circularity also comments on his achievement;

“On a practical level, TRUE embraces the Circular Economy and emphasises Redesign, Reduce, Reuse, Composting and Recycling. It provides excellent guidance for businesses in the key metrics for waste and resource data reporting across upstream management and purchasing, the role of leadership, training, audits, gap analysis, hazardous waste, closed loops, and innovation as well as key support to maintain and continuously improve performance. I am excited to use the TRUE Rating system as part of Beyondly’s zero waste services”

Beyondly is committed to helping businesses improve their resource efficiency and strive towards a circular economy. In Beyondly’s work supporting organisations globally to achieve Zero Waste, the TRUE Advisor Certificate program enhances our established Zero Waste to Landfill service, allowing us to help businesses in alignment with the TRUE certification as part of this.


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