UK Packaging Compliance

Prepare your packaging for EPR!

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Government publish packaging EPR ‘illustrative’ Disposal Fees!

Achieve compliance with UK packaging waste regulations, including EPR.

Beyondly provide a smarter way to fulfil your packaging obligation. 

The 2007 Producer Responsibility Packaging Waste Regulations are running alongside the data reporting requirements under Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Regulations in 2024. This means some packaging producers will need to carry out 3 data submissions for the 2024 compliance year. 

Beyondly has membership solutions to ensure every type of packaging producer achieves compliance and most of all, to demystify complexities! 

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Looking for a bespoke data management solution?

Leave it to Beyondly. Save resource within your business and ensure accurate data for packaging compliance, including EPR.

How it all works

What is Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)? 

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a reform of the existing UK Packaging Waste Regulations. It is a new piece of legislation which introduces greater responsibility onto producers for supplying packaging material on the market.

What is the impact on producers?

Ultimately, EPR will require producers to pay the full net costs of the collection, sorting, recycling, and disposal of household packaging.

Are there any exceptions to EPR?
  • Producers will NOT have a financial obligation associated with their EPR data submission for 2024

  • Producers affected by the 2007 regulations will have a PRN (packaging recovery note) financial obligation based on their 2023 calendar year packaging data, to be presented in the data tables format in 2024 as per previous years.

  • Under EPR, a lower threshold has been introduced to integrate smaller producers (small organisations) into the packaging compliance system.

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Large organisations

To be obligated under the regulations as a large organisation, businesses must meet or exceed two thresholds:

  1. A turnover of more than £2 million, and;
  2. Exceed 50 tonnes or more of packaging supplied to the market annually.

If you meet the above thresholds, your business will be obligated by the 2007 packaging waste regulations, and possibly EPR requirements also from 2024. Get in touch to determine your obligations!

Small organisations

To be obligated under the regulations as a small organisation, businesses must meet or exceed two thresholds:

  1. A turnover of more than £1 million, and:
  2.  Exceed 25 tonnes or more of packaging supplied to the market annually.

Producers that meet or exceed this lower threshold are only obligated for reporting their packaging data from 2025 (but also must collect and store 2023 data in 2024), they have no financial obligation like those obligated by the higher threshold.

Find out more about our membership & support options!

Join our circle!

Let's get moving!

As your dedicated compliance partner, Beyondly will help you root packaging regulations into your business, acting as a committed extension to your team.

  1. Join over 1700 companies and become a member of Beyondly
  2. Collect your data and submit it to us using our online data platform. We will do the rest.
  3. Your data will be submitted to the regulator ahead of the reporting deadlines

Click here to complete our online membership form

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How will you be affected by EPR fee modulation?

Find out with our Packaging Recyclability service.

Why Beyondly

  • Person

    Dedicated account manager, support team and data experts acting as an extension of your team

  • Planet

    Exceeding expectations in all areas of our Packaging EA Scheme Audit

  • Heart

    Keep up to speed at no extra cost with ongoing EPR developments, the PRN Market and future UK legislation

  • Tick

    Access to a complete data submission support webinar series and on demand guidance videos

Beyondly has shown me that reporting and submissions doesn't have to be stressful
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Policy Insights - the key to being prepared for the future.

Beyondly members can access the policy insights relevant to their membership at no additional costs! Beyondly's Policy Insights, is a tailor made education platform, created to ensure businesses are ahead of the game on regulatory change in the UK and overseas.

Speak to our solutions team today!

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Become an esteemed member of Beyondly! All you need to do is complete our online membership form.

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Packaging With Recycle Symbol

Mandatory Recyclability Labelling under EPR

A future requirement of packaging Extended Producer Responsibility (pEPR) is that organisations must display a recycling label on primary and shipment packaging, with instructions on how to recycle it correctly. This is to inform consumers and help them make the correct choice when disposing of used packaging. The Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (Defra) overseeing the transition to pEPR confirmed in their recent Business Readiness Forum on 11th April 2024 that the deadline for organisations to label their packaging has been pushed back to 1st April 2027 for all primary and shipment packaging.

Latest policy news...

Government have published a further two consultation responses for the Simpler Recycling scheme policy.

Last week the government published a further two consultation responses for the Simpler Recycling scheme policy.

Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging (pEPR) Draft Regulations published

On 1st of May 2024, the Draft Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging and Packaging Waste) Regulations 2024 (commonly referred to as the 'Main pEPR Regulations) were notified to the European Union (EU) and World Trade Organisation.

Agreement reached on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation in the EU.

The existing European Union (EU) Packaging and Packaging waste Directive was established in 1994 with the goal of harmonising national measures across EU member states for packaging waste and improve the environmental quality.

Update: Amends to the packaging EPR recycling labelling deadline

A future requirement of packaging Extended Producer Responsibility (pEPR) is that organisations must display a recycling label on primary and shipment packaging, with instructions on how to recycle it correctly. This is to inform consumers and help them make the correct choice when disposing of used packaging.

Request a PRN Quote

If you are not a member of Beyondly you can still take advantage of our vast PRN procurement experience and utilise our UK wide network of accredited reprocessors and exporters generating PRN/PERNs accordingly.