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Packaging with recycle symbol in it

Update: Amends to the packaging EPR recycling labelling deadline

A future requirement of packaging Extended Producer Responsibility (pEPR) is that organisations must display a recycling label on primary and shipment packaging, with instructions on how to recycle it correctly. This is to inform consumers and help them make the correct choice when disposing of used packaging.

Q1 2024 Unverified Packaging Recycling Data Released

Earlier this week, on Monday 22nd April, the first set of unverified quarterly packaging recycling data for 2024 was released. This data outlines the total volume of packaging that has been reprocessed or exported in Q1

Q4 2023 Verified Packaging Recycling Data Released

Q4 2023 Verified Packaging Recycling Data Released

Last week, DEFRA released the final set of quarterly packaging recycling information for the 2023 compliance year. DEFRA also shared final recycling volumes for the year and how this measures up against final obligation, the data detailing how many PRNs that have been ‘carried in’ to 2024, to help the UK reach this year’s targets.

Meeting discussion through glass with reflection

Communication vs Implementation: Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)

While there is no hesitation for businesses to be increasingly vocal about their ambitious ESG journey, few are actually implementing policies to improve their environmental or social impact as they have communicated.

DEFRA publish proposed 2024 WEEE collection targets

DEFRA have published proposed WEEE collection targets for 2024 and are inviting input until 5pm on 8th March.

EU Parliament approves Green Claims Directive to enhance environmental accountability

Groundbreaking legislation sets standards for environmental claims in product marketing.

One week to go! WEEE consulation closes on the 7th March

Defra released a consultation and a call for evidence on December 28, 2023, about the amendment of The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2013. The current WEEE regulations are being reformed by the government since they have been in effect for almost 18 years and have not significantly changed.

An Ocean Partnership with the National Oceanography Centre; Blue Carbon Project

In 2023, the partnership between Beyondly and the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) began, two brands dedicated to protecting our ocean and support our natural world.

Extended Producer Responsibility - the perfect package

As seen in The Times, Beyondly share their expertise as an environmental compliance scheme and consultancy. "Brand-owners know what they want to do when it comes to being more sustaianable, but they struggle to ways to achieve it"

Team meeting, four people in a meeting room with laptops and documents

Disposable vapes to be banned in England, Scotland, and Wales.

It was announced by the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, on the 19th of January 2024, disposable vapes are to be banned, to tackle the significant increase in the young population vaping and perceived negative health effects.

Man stood in a grass field with clipboard

Materiality Assessments: Making ESG Manageable

The range of factors that ESG covers is so broad and varied, it would be an impossible task for companies to cover all of them within their ESG strategy and reporting. It is important that businesses are concentrating their efforts on factors which are significant and material, not only to make the process more manageable, but also to ensure they are making the best impact possible.

Adaptation: How Businesses Should Prepare for an Uncertain Future

Businesses need to prepare for risks to supply chains, operations, and demand, though often don’t know where to start. The IEMA Climate Change Adaptation Report provides practical steps that businesses can take to prepare themselves for this complex unravelling future.

Multiple Hanging Lights

Reforming the WEEE compliance system: a consultation and call for evidence published by Defra

On the 28th December 2023, Defra published and opened a consultation and a call for evidence on the reform of The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2013.

Solar panels with Sun shining

Environment Agency provide updated guidance to comply with ESOS

On 29th November, following a lengthy legislative process, the Environment Agency have provided updated guidance on the new requirements to comply with the energy savings opportunity scheme (ESOS) going forward.

The ocean with sunset

What happened at COP28 and why is it important?

The 28th annual Conference of the Parties (COP) has drawn to a close in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Our sustainability team has been keeping a close eye on the proceedings, while also bringing COP to the wider team at Beyondly by holding a mock COP28 style event in our office.

Two people with laptop, ipad, notebook engaging in conversation

Introduction to UK Energy Act 2023 and detailed ESOS updates

The Energy Act 2023 was written into UK legislation on 26th October 2023. The Act targeted a wide range of areas relevant to the energy sector, marking this as an important step towards creating an extended framework for the UK energy system that should help to enable the UK Government’s goal to reach net-zero by 2050.

Environmental, Social, Governance and Helping Businesses Walk the Talk

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) has become a hot talking point with businesses quick to shout about their intentions around climate change and social justice, amidst pressure from investors, supply chain and customers.

People looking at computer and documents. One pointing one with pen in their hand.

UK government consult on reporting Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions

On 19 October 2023, the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero launched a Call for Evidence on: UK greenhouse gas emissions reporting: Scope 3 emissions, to get views on the costs, benefits, and practicalities of Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions reporting in the UK.

Sandwiches in plastic packaging on a shelf

HMRC declare Plastic Packaging Tax rate increase in Autumn 2023 budget

Coming up to two years since the introduction of the UK Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT), HMRC have announced that the tax fee will increase for plastic packaging with less than 30% recycled content.

People looking at computer and documents. One pointing one with pen in their hand.

Research: Are WEEE Producers ready for eco-modulation and eco-design?

Beyondly conducts research ahead of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) reform to determine whether producers are ready for future implementation of eco-modulation and eco-design.

Someone holding up a plastic bottle

Plastic Packaging Tax – How to check if your business is liable & avoid fines

Ensure compliance and gain confidence in navigating the plastic packaging tax responsibly. The next plastic packaging tax HMRC return deadline is 31 January 2024, so the time is now to check your data reporting method is compliant.

Beyondly bring COP28 to their stakeholders

With COP28 just around the corner, Beyondly are bring COP to their stakeholders, with the intent to raise awareness of important environmental issues and highlight the positive actions that people can take to reduce their own environmental impact.

Science Based targets Initiative update to the SME route – December 2023

Science Based targets Initiative update to the SME route – December 2023

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is a framework which promotes best practice in emission reduction and net-zero targets in line with the latest climate science. Since its establishment in 2015, over 1,000 companies have joined this global initiative.

Someone holding up a plastic bottle

Q3 2023 Unverified Packaging Data Release

This week (On 23rd October 2023), the Environment Agency published the unverified Q3 packaging recycling data. This data provides insight into the total volume of packaging that was either reprocessed or exported during Q3 2023.

Defra announce 'Simpler Recycling' plans

On the 21st of October 2023 Defra announced that they are making changes to household and business bin collections and becoming more stringent on unscrupulous waste carriers to boost recycling rates and ensure waste ends up where it’s supposed to be.

Packaging with recycle symbol in it

Packaging EPR – Incentivising packaging recyclability through modulated fees!

Eco-modulation is an innovative environmental approach that involves incentivising or penalising businesses based on their choice of packaging materials, with the aim of encouraging environmentally responsible practices.

Product / Packaging refill system

Bans and restrictions come into force in England for additional single-use plastics

On Sunday 1 October, new bans and restrictions came into force for a range of polluting single use plastic items.

Team meeting, four people in a meeting room with laptops and documents

EPR consultation launched on the draft Main EPR Regulations – have your say!

Defra have launched a consultation to gather views on how the approach set out in the Government’s consultation response of March 2022 has been reflected in these draft Main EPR Regulations

Beyond the hype: anti-greenwash legislation and consumer awareness are catalysts for good

Here, we shine a light on how businesses can positively impact consumer choices as they strive to reduce their environmental impact.

Hand brushing through wheatfield with the sun shining

New CPD accredited training workshop – Power your business beyond waste & prepare for the circular economy

Beyondly has launched a new CPD (Continuing Professional Development) accredited training offering to support businesses who are looking to contribute to a circular economy

Can the UK achieve Net Zero by 2050?

In 2019 the UK became the first major economy to commit to becoming net zero by 2050, however, now 4 years on, we’re not on track to achieve this!

Someone holding up a plastic bottle

Plastic Packaging Tax consultation launched on chemical recycling and adopting a mass balance approach- have your say!

HMRC have launched a consultation to determine whether businesses should be allowed to use the mass balance approach for calculating recycled content in chemically recycled plastic.

Main EPR Regulations deferred until 2025 and consultation launched!

DEFRA announced the ‘Main EPR Regulations’ have been deferred, this being the only regulatory way to delay the EPR waste management fee aspect of EPR implementation.

Packaging with recycle symbol in it

Q2 2023 Unverified Packaging Data Release

The release of the second set of unverified quarterly packaging recycling data has now been published by the Environment Agency (22nd July).

Women holding batteries in both hands

EU Digital Product Passport for Batteries set to be introduced from 1st January 2026

Product passports will enable sharing of key product information essential for product sustainability and circularity.

2023 Q1 WEEE Collected Data Published

Achievement of UK WEEE Recycling Targets shows promise following release of quarter 1 collection data.

Hanging Lights

Important update on amendments to Phase 3 of the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme

A summary of the latest updates from the Environment Agency (released late May) on amendments to Phase 3 of ESOS, highlighting new/significant changes that obligated companies need to be aware of.

Update: Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme delayed until October 2025

The Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) aims to support in tackling climate change, through improving recycling rates, reducing litter and changing the throw away culture we have come to possess, ultimately helping to protect our environment for generations to come.

Driving business performance with Zero Waste to Landfill!

Zero Waste to Landfill is becoming more and more of a buzz phrase, but what does it mean and how can you turn waste into a financially viable resource?

Two men on roof with solar panels, both wearing PPE

Measuring Scope 3 emissions: the importance and getting started

Carry out a scope 3 assessment will support and better enable your journey to be come net zero!

People looking at computer and documents. One pointing one with pen in their hand.

Awaiting the WEEE reform consultation. What we know so far!

We can expect the long-awaited consultation on reforming the UK WEEE regulations in Q2 of 2023 (from April – June) confirmed by DEFRA in recent stakeholder engagement.

Two people with laptop, ipad, notebook engaging in conversation

2022 PRN Revenue Expenditure

A review of the expenditure of revenue generated through PRNs in 2022.

Consultation response delayed for consistency in household and business recycling in England!

The response to a consultation held 2 years ago (May 2021 - June 2021) has been delayed further by DEFRA.

Team meeting, four people in a meeting room with laptops and documents

Q1 2023 Unverified Packaging Data Released

This information is still unverified with a number of reprocessors/exporters to report their figures, so these volumes will have chance to evolve before release of the verified version next month (12th May).

Two people with laptop, ipad, notebook engaging in conversation

Q4 2022 Verified Packaging Data Released

Friday 31st March saw the release of the final set of verified, quarterly packaging recycling data for 2022, outlining total amounts of packaging volume that has been reprocessed or exported in Q4.

Multiple Hanging Lights

2022 Q4 WEEE collection data released

Release of Q4 WEEE collection data confirms recycling targets missed for 6th consecutive year.

Environmental Improvement Plan 2023 - What it means for the waste and resources sector?

As part of the 5 yearly updates, DEFRA published the Environment Improvement Plan 2023 on 31 January.

Sun shining through trees

Customer Focus: Janus International Europe Ltd

Janus International Europe Ltd drive forward their sustainability aspirations with Beyondly, paving the way to circular economy by closing the loop on packaging and business waste!